Saturday, April 25, 2009

Cedarbrae Community Gardens

The city recently announced the approval of 4 new gardens (a small but promising step forward.) One of those gardens is in Cedarbrae, and they'll be constructing their beds from the 8th to the 10th. I'm thinking that we should organize a field trip out to give them a hand. (I'll facebook that notion:)) They also have a blog up:

It's short notice, but I just heard about this event, happening today:

"We will be celebrating Earth day and introducing the new Community Garden at the Cedarbrae Community Center from 12-3 pm on April 25th, 2009. We will have water wise displays, brochures and general information for maintaining your house, lawn and garden during the hot summer months."

So go out and see the space, and get pumped for a season of community gardening!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for that post Rachel! I just heard today they are planning to move the construction a week earlier so it doesn't fall on the long weekend. So construction is planned for the 8-10th of May at Cedarbrae. Thanks a bunch!
